Did you know that you could be receiving a monthly box of food once a month at no cost to you if you are a veteran or widow/widower of a veteran? This wonderful resource is brought to you by the Second Harvest Food Bank as they partner with us to serve the veterans and families of veterans in our community. All you will need is something to validate yourself as a veteran the first visit, and you will be added to the list! There is always a variety of items that they bring that changes from month to month, but some examples include a box of canned and shelf-stable foods, frozen meat, seasonal fruits and vegetables, milk, cheese, and more!
We have the Veteran's Food Truck come every second Tuesday of the month. Vehicles can line up on the service road behind the Senior Center at 11:30am with food distribution beginning at 12:00pm. We ask that you stay in your vehicle once you are in line and simply drive where you are directed. You will get signed in by a volunteer, and then other volunteers will pack your vehicle for you for a drive-through experience. We hope that all the veterans in our area will utilize this resource available to them!